Update: Hanson Ranch Wetland Improvements - October 2024
For a full background on the project, check out this link.
Update October 2024:
Following up on the engagement in 2023, the City has made progress on the design of the Hanson Ranch Wetland Improvements Project. This means the project is ready for Phase 2 and the team is looking for public feedback.
The project team has worked on proposed design concepts to ensure they are delivering what the community wants and values the most.
They are presenting a variety of public realm features, amenities and materials in a survey you to share your preferences and ideas.
Your feedback will be compiled into a report and shared with the project team ahead of the final design.
View the Phase 1 Report and take the Phase 2 Survey here.
The survey is open from October 21st - November 4th.
In addition to the survey, the team is hosting two more in person engagements on the project at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church.
October 23: 4-7PM
October 27: 2-4PM
In Fall of 2023, the Hanson Ranch Wetland Improvements project team held three public engagement pop-ups in Hanson Ranch. 63 people (just over 10% of the number of households in Hanson Ranch) visited the pop-ups to give their feedback, questions, and concerns to the team. The most common concerns were about disruption to wildlife and pathway maintenance, but you can see the full updated FAQ here.
Map of current conditions.
Next Steps:
The input received has been coded and compiled for the project team as they continue to work on the detailed design throughout early 2024. The anticipated construction start date will be determined after the permitting period (2023-2025), with the earlier potential timing being late summer 2024. These timelines are subject to change due to permitting, budget, supply chain, weather, and other circumstances.
Prior to the start of construction, the engagement team will facilitate more sessions to inform the public of timelines, impacts, and design elements. You may see contractors familizaring themselves with the area before construction begins, but they will not be conducting any work on the project at this time.