Sandstone MacEwan Outdoor Rink Opens!
The SMCA board, Parks Foundation, and myself at the Grand Opening.
After years of fundraising, the Sandstone MacEwan Community Association was able to open their brand new rink to the public on January 26th.
The Sandstone MacEwan CA worked tirelessly with several partners to fund the project: the City of Calgary, the Government of Alberta, the Calgary Flames Foundation, Parks Foundation, the Calgary Foundation, and the Calgay Northwest United Soccer Club.
Nearly one year ago, I was able to secure $300,000 for the rink through the Council Community Fund, which left just a small gap of the $1 million total to close.
You may have received my mailer last year if you live in Sandstone or MacEwan Glen.
It is solely due to the hard work of volunteers that this community amenity came to life.
Colin and Jennifer - dubbed the “MVPs” of the rink, applied to countless grants on behalf of SMCA.
To learn more about the rink, the Community Association, or sign up to become a rink volunteer, click here.